Subtotal: $65.00
Azalea Persil
Azalea Persil has large perfumed white flowers with a prominent deep yellow flare in the throat in a
compact head.
2 in stock
Azalea Persil is a stunning deciduous azalea, featuring large, perfumed white flowers with a prominent deep yellow flare in the throat. These beautiful blooms form in a compact head, creating a striking visual display in your garden during November. Reaching a height of 1.5 meters, Azalea Persil is an ideal choice for adding elegance and fragrance to your outdoor space.
Azalea Mollis deciduous plants, like the Persil, are known for their toughness and hardiness, thriving in both full sun and partial shade. They make perfect companion plants for rhododendrons, as they flourish in acidic soil and flower well in part shade or dappled shade areas. These azaleas are highly drought-resistant and also provide a spectacular display of autumn tones before going dormant for the winter. Many of their flowers are fragrant, enhancing the sensory experience in your garden.
Explore our extensive collection of deciduous Mollis azaleas this season and bring the enchanting beauty and resilience of Azalea Persil to your garden. Whether you’re looking to shop online or visit our nursery to select your plants in person, our azaleas are sure to impress with their stunning blooms and robust nature.