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Rhododendron Bureavii


Rhododendron Bureavii has amazing foliage with cinammon indumentum on the underside of the leaves with white flowers on a very compact shrub.Height 1.5m


White Flower on a very compact shrub.

Height within 10 years 1.5m
Hardy and robust plant

Amazing foliage with cinammon indumentum

R. bureavii occurs in the wild in two fairly limited areas in northern Yunnan, China,
in open pine forest and rhododendron thickets, at elevations from 10,000-12,800 feet.
It was introduced into cultivation in 1917-1925, and again in 1994.
Its name honors a French professor, Louis Edouard Bureau 1830-1918.
French botanist and professor of taxanomic botany in Paris.