Rhododendron Britton Hill Bugle


Rhododendron Brigitte has mauve pink buds that open into deep purplish-pink truss of 19-23 flowers that start shading inwards from light pink to a yellowish white, with a yellow blotch. 1m by 10 years. Flowers November.

1 in stock


Experience the Bugle Symphony: Britton Hill’s Red Floral Marvel!

Immerse yourself in the enchanting melody of the Britton Hill Bugle Rhododendron, adorned with large red flowers that mimic the shape of a bugle. This prolific plant blankets itself in these bugle-shaped blooms, creating a captivating mid-season spectacle. Alongside its floral marvel, revel in the dense, matte green foliage that complements the abundance of flowers, enhancing its allure.

Growing Tips and Unique Traits: Flowering in October and November, this rhododendron reaches a height of 1.5 meters, showcasing its robust growth. Derived from the parentage of KARKOV and RED LODERI, this sun-tolerant and vigorous grower boasts resilience and adaptability, thriving in various conditions while maintaining its vibrant floral display.

Interesting Facts: The Britton Hill Bugle Rhododendron stands out for its bugle-shaped flowers, a unique and distinctive feature that adds a touch of whimsy and charm to any garden landscape.

Embark on a journey with the Britton Hill Bugle Rhododendron, available at our RhodoDirect nursery or in our diverse online collection. Elevate your garden with this melodious symphony of red blooms, complemented by its dense, lush foliage, and witness the magic it brings to your outdoor sanctuary.

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