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Rhododendron Dear One


Rhododendron Dear has blush pink buds opening to white flowers, in November. Compact dwarf bush Height 75cm – 1m


Rhododendron Dear One is a delightful and compact dwarf rhododendron that adds a touch of elegance to any garden. This charming plant features blush pink buds that open to reveal beautiful white flowers, creating a stunning display in November. The lovely trusses of flowers cover the bush, making it a focal point in your garden.

With a height of 75 cm to 1 meter, Rhododendron Dear One is ideal for narrow garden spaces or as a low-growing accent in your landscape. Its compact growth habit and oval-shaped leaves add to its appeal, providing a lush and tidy appearance.

This rhododendron thrives best when protected from the hot afternoon summer sun, ensuring it maintains its vibrant blooms and healthy foliage. It is well-suited for cooler, shaded areas of the garden, where it can flourish and bring continuous beauty.

Rhododendron Dear One is perfect for gardeners looking for a low-maintenance, yet striking plant that can fit into smaller spaces while offering a prolific floral display.  Contact us today to learn more about this lovely variety and how to incorporate it into your landscape.