Frequently Asked Questions

Close-up of plant buds and leaves covered with a layer of property frost. The frost crystals are visible on the edges of the leaves and buds.

If my property has late frosts can I plant fragrant varieties?

A 25-liter bag of Grow Better Organic Sheep Manure designed for composting and weed-free gardening, perfect for rhododendrons. Featuring an image of a sheep on the packaging, this animal manure is easy to use.

Can I use animal manure on my rhododendrons?

A garden with blooming pink, purple, and white flowers, including carefully tended rhododendrons, surrounded by various green plants and trees, with a dense forest in the background.

What do I need to grow rhodos?

A rhodo with green, yellow, and a few orange leaves showing signs of nutrient deficiency and some spots of distress.

Why do some of our rhodo’s leaves go yellow, orange or red?

A lush garden with a large Yak FCC rhododendrons boasting white and pink flowers, unexpectedly flowering out of season, surrounded by verdant green foliage

Why are My Rhododendrons Flowering Out of Season?