People often ask me what plants I put with Rhododendrons. As rhododendrons are such shallow-rooted plants, the following work well as companion plantings. Here’s a quick list of my favourites: hellebores, hydrangeas, lilies, dahlias, hostas, Chatham Island lilies, and trilliums. These plants thrive in a mix of hot and shady spots, and I also love adding Heucheras for their beautiful foliage.

Left: Yellow daffodils Right: Close-up of a white trillium flower with green leaves.

Left side shows yellow daffodils. Right side features clusters of purple grape hyacinths.

Left: Yellow daffodils Right: Close-up of white azalea Persil with yellow centers.

Top left: Close-up of azalea softlights. Top right: Single white daffodil with a yellow center. Bottom: Dense cluster of dark purple chocolate ruffles heuchera.

Collage of flowers: top left, a white hellebore; top right, a yellow and orange daffodil; bottom, pink and green hellebores.

Azalea Percil (top left), blue anemones (top right), chocolate ruffles heuchera (bottom).