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Rhododendron Robert Balch


Rhododendron Robert Balch this rhododendron is a large growing version of Rubicon, the leaves are identical, the structure and look of the plant is the same, the only difference is that this version will grow much taller.Height 1.8m Flowering October


  • This Rhododendron is a large growing version of Rubicon, the leaves are identical, the structure and look of the plant is the same, the only difference is that this version will grow much taller.
  • Dark red flowers big ball flowers cover this rhododendron with dark spotting in the throat. 
  • Robert Balch will grow wide as well as tall.
  • Height 1.8m by 10 years
  • Flowering time is October in NZ
  • Parentage (zeylanicum x elliottii)
  • Photo courtesy: NZ Rhododendron Society