Indumentum & Tomentum

Close-up of a plant with thick, elongated leaves. The inner leaves have a dusty, white indumentum coating, while the outer leaves are green. The center shows a budding flower.

What is indumentum in rhododendrons? Indumentum refers to the soft, woolly or velvety layer of hairs found on the underside of rhododendron leaves. It can vary in colour from silvery-white to reddish-brown and serves to protect the plant from harsh weather and moisture loss. What is tomentum in rhododendrons? Tomentum is a dense layer of…

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A Little Spring Cleaning: Embracing Change & Growth

A person stands among potted flowering plants under a pergola, smiling and holding a plant label in a plant nursery, embracing change and growth.

Spring has officially sprung at our nursery, and we’re in full spring-cleaning mode—just call me Marie Kondo! This season of renewal is the perfect time to refresh, reorganise, and make way for new growth, and that’s exactly what we’re doing here. One of the first things you’ll notice on your next visit is our brand-new…

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