What Are the Best Companion Plants for Rhododendrons?

People often ask me what plants I put with Rhododendrons.  As rhododendrons are such shallow-rooted plants, the following work well as companion plantings. Here’s a quick list of my favourites: hellebores, hydrangeas, lilies, dahlias, hostas, Chatham Island lilies, and trilliums. These plants thrive in a mix of hot and shady spots, and I also love adding Heucheras for their beautiful foliage.

Left: Yellow daffodils with green leaves growing in mulch-covered soil. Right: Close-up of a white trillium flower with green leaves.

Left: Yellow daffodils Right: Close-up of a white trillium flower with green leaves.

Image split vertically; left side shows yellow daffodils growing amidst green foliage and brown soil, right side features clusters of purple grape hyacinths surrounded by grass and leaves.

Left side shows yellow daffodils.  Right side features clusters of purple grape hyacinths.

Left: Yellow daffodils with green stems and leaves growing in a mulched garden. Right: Close-up of white azaleas with yellow centers surrounded by green foliage.

Left: Yellow daffodils  Right: Close-up of white azalea Persil with yellow centers.


Top left: Close-up of a cluster of yellow and pink flowers. Top right: Single white flower with a yellow center. Bottom: Dense cluster of dark purple leaves.

Top left: Close-up of azalea softlights. Top right: Single white daffodil with a yellow center. Bottom: Dense cluster of dark purple chocolate ruffles heuchera.

Collage of flowers: top left, a white hellebore; top right, a yellow and orange daffodil; bottom, pink and green hellebores. The flowers are surrounded by green leaves and garden mulch.

Collage of flowers: top left, a white hellebore; top right, a yellow and orange daffodil; bottom, pink and green hellebores.

A collage of three flowers: white rhododendron with yellow centers (top left), blue anemones (top right), and a plant with dark purple foliage (bottom).

Azalea Percil (top left), blue anemones (top right), chocolate ruffles heuchera (bottom).