Jiffy Joy: Thriving Cuttings Ready for Their New Home

It’s incredibly exciting to venture down to the propagation houses daily and check on our cuttings. Steve can’t resist peeking under the trays to see if the roots are sprouting. It seems like we’re in for another successful year with our propagation efforts, as the roots are already reaching the bottom of the trays, and some are even trying to push into the sandy heat bed.

As we dive into the first stage of potting up, we’re meticulously separating each cutting and placing them into their new homes. This process is extensive but essential, ensuring that each cutting is snugly nestled into its jiffy pot with a specially curated potting mix full of nutrients to foster robust growth. While some may view it as a meticulous task, I find it immensely rewarding as we witness the flourishing results of our propagation endeavours.

This season, we encountered an unexpected challenge as our usual rooting hormone is no longer available. We had to pivot and adopt a new one, introducing a new element of uncertainty. However, so far, things are looking promising! We’re eager to continue sharing our journey with you. Stay tuned for more updates.