A Little Spring Cleaning: Embracing Change & Growth

A person stands among potted flowering plants under a pergola, smiling and holding a plant label in a plant nursery, embracing change and growth.

Spring has officially sprung at our nursery, and we’re in full spring-cleaning mode—just call me Marie Kondo! This season of renewal is the perfect time to refresh, reorganise, and make way for new growth, and that’s exactly what we’re doing here. One of the first things you’ll notice on your next visit is our brand-new…

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Jiffy Joy: Thriving Cuttings Ready for Their New Home

A composite image showing plant seedlings in a greenhouse. The top left showcases thriving cuttings lined up in rows; the top right features close-ups of seedlings nestled in soil trays like they're experiencing Jiffy Joy; and the bottom reveals roots extending from pots, eager to find their new home.

It’s incredibly exciting to venture down to the propagation houses daily and check on our cuttings. Steve can’t resist peeking under the trays to see if the roots are sprouting. It seems like we’re in for another successful year with our propagation efforts, as the roots are already reaching the bottom of the trays, and…

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Planning that next gardening project

Three photos of garden landscapes, featuring young trees, shrubs, and a hose on green grass in a well-maintained outdoor space, perfect for showcasing your gardening project.

July is the perfect time to start planning your next gardening venture. Here’s our tried-and-true method for preparing new flower beds: Steve and I often get inspiration from other people’s gardens and browsing Pinterest. Once I gather ideas, I have to persuade Steve that another garden bed is necessary. We head outside with a hose…

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Rooting for Success: Our Rhododendron Propagation Adventure

Top left: Red leaves on a wooden surface. Top right: Two people working in dense greenery to ensure rhododendron propagation. Bottom: Hands using pruning shears on green leaves for successful cultivation.

I am thrilled to share that we have just finished propagating our rhododendron cuttings! During February and March, we’ve been incredibly fortunate to collect cuttings from a variety of beautiful gardens across Canterbury, including several old varieties that haven’t been propagated commercially for quite some time. With over 600 different varieties now coming through, our…

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